Our Beliefs and Practices

Best week of summer

Camp Evergreen is a registered, independent religious society and charitable organization. Our roots are in the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Alberta and Canada. Our full Confession of Faith comes from the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.

We believe that every individual matters to God and needs God. We were founded as a summer Bible camp and have expanded into a year-round ministry. Something special happens when a person steps out into the forest of Camp Evergreen, away from the rush and busyness of daily life to experience our hospitality and mission to show God’s love for people.

Our semi-wilderness environment and ministry of hospitality are uniquely designed to encourage life-changing experiences. The activities guests experience encourage moments of courage, fun, and community-building while we strive to serve everyone in a way that reflects our transformative relationship with God.

We are a Gospel-centered, Biblically-based camp. Guests experience this differently throughout the year:

  • From September until June, Camp Evergreen hosts a wide variety of rental groups. We do not proselytize with our groups unless requested. Our staff are always open and excited to share their faith when asked.
  • In the summer and during our retreats, our teaching centers around Jesus Christ’s life, his redemptive power, his death, and his resurrection on the Cross, found in the Bible.

Camp Evergreen welcomes guests from diverse backgrounds and beliefs. We do not condone the harassment, abuse, or bullying of any person for any reason. Furthermore, we do not support or advocate any action that demeans the dignity of human life. Our commitment is to ensure every guest receives treatment marked by love, kindness, and respect.