All about
Trail Blazers

Best week of summer

Trail Blazers 1 campers are entering grades 4-6 in September

Trail Blazers 2 & 3 are entering grades 5-7

Trailblazer campers can start to focus on favourite activities by choosing two pro skills.

Go where no camper has gone before! Choose the activities you like best with our Semi-Pro skills, make new friends during cabin time, play all sorts of wide games, have fun at fire side and come up with a great theme for your cabin during cabin clean up! There’s just so much fun to be had as a Trail Blazer.

Here is a standard schedule for a Trail Blazer Camp:

  • 8:00AM – Breakfast
  • 9:00AM – Cabin Clean Up
  • 9:30AM – Morning Chapel
  • 10:45AM – Activity/Wide Game
  • 12:30PM – Lunch
  • 1:30PM – Down Time/Nap Time
  • 2:00PM – Tuck/Snack Time from Moose Junction General Store
  • 2:45PM – Semi-Pro Skill
  • 4:00PM – Adventure Time with your Cabin
  • 5:30PM – Supper
  • 6:30PM – Wide Game
  • 7:30PM – Fireside Chapel
  • 9:00PM – Snack/Cabin Devos

Trail Blazer campers get to choose two Semi-Pro options that they will do throughout the week. They will get the chance to work on each Semi-Pro skill during the week.

*Please note that some of the Semi-Pro Skills have an additional cost.

In recent years, we have made some changes to our pricing structure and encourage all families to read through those changes here: Camp Price Structure